I will share my Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship
experience in the seminar “Progettare il futuro: esperienze di partecipazione a programmi di ricerca” (Designing the Future: Experiences of Participation in Research Programs) – XVIII Incontro Giovani Pontignano 2018 (June 22).
It’s a dialogue
between sociologist who have successfully participated in prestigious calls for
research funding (FIRB / SIR, Marie Curie and ERC, etc.). The objective of meeting
is sharing experiences and giving advices on how to construct a successful interdisciplinary
research proposal.
The seminar and roundtable is organized by Davide
Arcidiacono, Gianluca Argentin, Linda Lombi, Mariagrazia Santagati. You can
find here the program.
On August 31st my fellowship will come to an end: it’s good timing to pass on the torch.
Certosa di San Pietro, Siena |